Ewa Wesołowska - virtuoso of lightness and gentleness

August 15, 2016

--- by Ewa Wesołowska
I met Ewa last year at HKW in Berlin, while we were both participating in an art event there. During the event she was presenting a concept of a project called ’~’ , that she realized this year.

Ewa Wesołowska is a Polish visual artist from Cracow, she’s trained as a sculptor and works with art installation. Ewa’s projects come to life far from her hometown, she creates all over the world as a guest artist of art institutes and ventures. Her curious nature and open mind are pushing her to constantly cross the boundaries, experiment with new technologies, explore them, and apply into her sculpture projects. 

’My installations are based on traditional sculpture techniques. I merge it with interactivity, light, and sound. Although I incorporate new technology in my works I want to keep the personal and intimate experience in it.’ 

Ewa pays great attention not only to artistic qualities of her work but also to cognitive value.
Wesołowska’s work is centered on memory, perception, and time, and is steeped in the senses. Imprinted traces that evidence how an object is wrought appear in her practice.’  Her latest project ’~’, for instance, ’is an interactive installation made of ceramic pieces, where each ceramic piece is a handprint. It reacts to how people move through the space, and by this it remembers for a moment every visitor’  explains Ewa.

In her work Ewa captures what sensory and fleeting. Her art carries a lot of beauty, levity, and evokes a great amount of gentleness.

’ ~ ’ show at Concordia Film | Theater | Expositie, Enschede, Netherlands

Ewa Wesołowska and ’ ~ ’

’ ~

--- ’ 

--- ’ 

’ ~ – ∞  ’ ceramic pieces



’ Music Box ’ show at DordtYart, Dordrecht, Netherlands

      More about Ewa Wesołowska: ewawesolowska.com
      Ewa's studio journal @ewa_wesołowska 
      ' ~ ' was made in co-operation with creative technologist Bertrand Candas: bertrandcandas.com

Pictures: Ewa Wesołowska
Text: Joanna Banach


  1. Ewa, the virtuoso of lightness and gentleness, is a master of crafting delicate and ethereal creations. Why Popular Pubg Her work exudes a sense of grace and subtlety, capturing the beauty of the ephemeral.


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